Apple fans often encounter an obstacle when their computer doesn’t recognize iPhone. The problem may occur due to a bunch of reasons, ranging from a faulty connection to misbehaving drivers. We will show you how to connect your phone to your computer and avoid the majority of fundamental issues. Let’s get started! My problem is: […]
Category: Issues
I can’t delete iPhone cloud contacts or groups
Please select: I can’t delete iCloud and Gmail contacts or groups I can’t delete Exchange contacts or groups Delete iPhone contacts and groups synced with iCloud and Gmail CopyTrans Contacts can now delete iCloud and Gmail iPhone contacts and groups. Here’s how to do that. Update to the latest version of CopyTrans Contacts Start CopyTrans […]
Trust computer iPhone
The iPhone trust computer alert is an important security measure on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. It will ask you to allow the computer to access data on your device before you can use it. The prompt message appears on the iPhone and prevents unauthorized computers from accessing your iPhone data. Issues that users […]
I can’t edit iPhone cloud contacts or groups
Please select: I can’t edit iCloud and Gmail contacts or groups I can’t edit Exchange contacts or groups Edit iPhone contacts and groups synced with iCloud or Gmail CopyTrans Contacts can now edit iCloud and GmailiPhone contacts and groups. Here’s how to do that. Update to the latest version of CopyTrans Contacts Start CopyTrans Contacts […]
iPhone contacts not showing up
In most situations, the issue can be resolved with one of the following suggestions: iPhone contacts program for PC Be patient Upon launching the program for the first time, please be patient and wait until CopyTrans Contacts finishes loading all your data. At this point, the program is pulling all the contacts, messages, notes, etc. […]
My iPod / iPhone / iPad is disconnected. What should I do?
If your iPod, iPhone or iPad is recognized by CopyTrans but then after working for a while it suddenly disconnects and disappears, please try the following: Reboot your device Make sure you are using the latest version of our products Ensure that you have correctly entered the SIM-card PIN code, deactivated the device AutoLock feature, […]
Show calendar
Do you have a calendar on your iPhone sourced from a third-party service like iCloud, Gmail or Exchange? If these services aren’t connected within the CopyTrans Contacts app, the program cannot access and show calendar from your iPhone. Don’t worry, it is easy to fix! Two ways to connect your calendar to CopyTrans Contacts depending […]
I don’t see iPhone text messages in CopyTrans Contacts
It may take quite a while for CopyTrans Contacts to load your conversations. The loading time depends on the number of messages in your threads. However, if you don’t see your iPhone texts in CopyTrans Contacts after the program has finished loading data, this guide will come in handy. Below we will discuss the majority […]
How to fix MSI service encountered a fatal error when installing iphone drivers?
This article addresses what to do if when installing the iPhone drivers via CopyTrans Drivers Installer, you get the error message: “The MSI service encountered a fatal error” or “The Windows Installer service could not be accessed”. Alternatively, if installing iTunes on your PC, you get this message: “Error:-1603 fatal error during installation consult windows […]
iTunes iPhone backup password
If you are here, it probably means that you were trying to use CopyTrans Shelbee or CopyTrans Contacts and got a prompt for entering your iTunes iPhone backup password. Maybe you’re even sure you have iTunes backup password never set. If this is indeed what happened, this short guide is for you. It will explain […]