Installation Guide

This guide explains how to download and safely install all CopyTrans software on your PC. The installation takes less than 2 minutes after which you can start using the programs. Watch our YouTube tutorial: Or follow the steps below: Start by downloading the CopyTrans Control Center Installer. Run the installer. If the following message shows […]

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What resources are required to run CopyTrans programs?

Little is required to run and operate CopyTrans programs on any Windows PC. They can run offline and provide a hard-to-match degree of privacy, safety and security when managing iOS contents like iPhone contacts, calendars, messages and notes. OS requirements Is administrator access required? Drivers No need for iTunes Offline use, privacy, security Support OS […]

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How to install CopyTrans products silently?

Do you wish to make sure that CopyTrans software can be installed via the command line before purchasing a business license? Or have you already purchased a license and want to know how to install the software silently? This article can be helpful in both cases. Please select the program to proceed to instructions: CopyTrans […]

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