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CopyTrans Manager offers a lot of advanced settings that can be changed by experienced computer users.

How to edit advanced settings in CopyTrans Manager

  1. Open CopyTrans Manager and click the button on the top right of the main program window button to change settings in copytrans manager

  2. From the drop-down menu click “Settings” select settings from drop-down menu in copytrans manager

  3. A new window opens. Click “Advanced settings…” advanced settings button in copytrans manager

  4. This opens the “Advanced settings” window. Browse through the settings or search for a specific setting using the search box at the top. Settings marked in bold blue are not using the default value. copytrans manager with advanced settings window

Here’s a few tricks:

  • Remove the check if other applications are open
    = set general.apps.check_unfriendly to no

  • Save preferences in the same folder as the executable
    = set general.preferences.save_local to yes

  • Change the interface’s skin
    = set main.skin.file to the new skin file

  • Remove interface skin
    = set main.skin.show to no

  • Change interface colors
    = search for color and edit as you like

  • Remove confirmation dialogs
    = search for confirm and set all to no

  • Change interface font name or size
    = search for font and edit accordingly

  • Automatically update the iPod when changes are made
    = set main.ipod.auto_update to yes

  • Hide the taskbar popup while playing
    = set taskbar.show to no

  • Disable hotkeys
    = set player.hotkeys.enabled to no

  • Change hotkeys
    = search player.hotkey. and change accordingly

copytrans managing cloud music
CopyTrans Manager is a lightweight FREE alternative to iTunes
🌞 Transfer music and videos from PC to iDevice;
🌞 Create and edit playlists;
🌞 Edit track metadata;
🌞 Add album artwork.
Download for free
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By carina

Carina is part of team CopyTrans since 2008 and is always happy to share her passion for web marketing, graphic design & social media. With coffee running through her veins, she enthusiastically dives each day into the depths of the Internet searching for new cool stuff to be shared with you and her team.